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Five easy fish aquarium colouring pages

Kids love fish aquarium so much. They can feed for their fishes everyday. I love this.
To help them more active and ready to have their own fish aquarium, I think these fish aquarium coloring is a very suitable idea to begin. Happy coloring!

Stingray coloring page

Stingrays are common in coastal tropical and subtropical marine waters throughout the world. Some species, such as Dasyatis thetidis, are found in warmer temperate oceans, and others, such as Plesiobatis daviesi, are found in the deep ocean. The river stingrays, and a number of whiptail stingrays (such as the Niger stingray), are restricted to fresh water. Most myliobatoids are demersal (inhabiting the next-to-lowest zone in the water column), but some, such as the pelagic stingray and the eagle rays, are pelagic. (Source: wikipedia)

Here is my collection about Stingray coloring page for kids.
Stingray coloring page 1
Stingray coloring page 1

Stingray coloring page 2
Stingray coloring page 2

Stingray coloring page 3
Stingray coloring page 3

Stingray coloring page 4
Stingray coloring page 4

Stingray coloring page 5
Stingray coloring page 5

Stingray coloring page 6
Stingray coloring page 6

Stingray coloring page 7
Stingray coloring page 7

Stingray coloring page 8
Stingray coloring page 8

Stingray coloring page 9
Stingray coloring page 9

Stingray coloring page 10
Stingray coloring page 10

Jelly fish coloring page

Jellyfish or jellies are softbodied, free-swimming aquatic animals with a gelatinous umbrella-shaped bell and trailing tentacles. The bell can pulsate to acquire propulsion and locomotion. The tentacles may be utilized to capture prey or defend against predators by emitting toxins in a painful sting. Jellyfish species are classified in the subphylum Medusozoa which makes up a major part of the phylum Cnidaria, although not all Medusozoa species are considered to be jellyfish.

Jellyfish are found in every ocean, from the surface to the deep sea. Scyphozoans are exclusively marine, but some hydrozoans live in freshwater. Large, often colorful, jellyfish are common in coastal zones worldwide. Jellyfish have roamed the seas for at least 500 million years, and possibly 700 million years or more, making them the oldest multi-organ animal. (Source: wikipedia)

Jellyfish I called Jelly-fish coloring page for kids.

Jelly fish coloring page 1
Jelly fish coloring page 1

Jelly fish coloring page 2
Jelly fish coloring page 2

Jelly fish coloring page 3
Jelly fish coloring page 3

Jelly fish coloring page 4
Jelly fish coloring page 4

Jelly fish coloring page 5
Jelly fish coloring page 5

Jelly fish coloring page 6
Jelly fish coloring page 6

Jelly fish coloring page 7
Jelly fish coloring page 7

Jelly fish coloring page 8
Jelly fish coloring page 8

Jelly fish coloring page 9
Jelly fish coloring page 9

Lion fish coloring page (Lionfish)

Pterois is a genus of venomous marine fish, commonly known as lionfish, native to the Indo-Pacific. Pterois, also called zebrafish, firefish, turkeyfish or butterfly-cod, is characterized by conspicuous warning coloration with red, white, creamy, or black bands, showy pectoral fins, and venomous spiky fin rays. (Source: wikipedia)

Lion fish coloring page (OR Lionfish coloring page) for kids.
Lion fish coloring page 1
Lion fish coloring page 1

Lion fish coloring page 2
Lion fish coloring page 2

Lion fish coloring page 3
Lion fish coloring page 3

Lion fish coloring page 4
Lion fish coloring page 4

Lion fish coloring page 5
Lion fish coloring page 5

Lion fish coloring page 6
Lion fish coloring page 6

Lion fish coloring page 7
Lion fish coloring page 7

Lion fish coloring page 8
Lion fish coloring page 8

X-ray fish coloring page

Pristella maxillaris, the only species in the genus Pristella, is commonly known as the X-ray fish or X-ray tetra because of its translucent body.[2] It is a widely distributed and adaptable fish, found in the Amazon and Orinoco basins, as well as coastal rivers in the Guianas in both acidic and alkaline waters. (Source: wikipedia)

X-ray fish coloring page for kids
X-ray fish coloring page 1
X-ray fish coloring page 1

X-ray fish coloring page 2
X-ray fish coloring page 2

X-ray fish coloring page 3
X-ray fish coloring page 3

X-ray fish coloring page 4
X-ray fish coloring page 4

X-ray fish coloring page 5
X-ray fish coloring page 5

X-ray fish coloring page 6
X-ray fish coloring page 6

X-ray fish coloring page 7
X-ray fish coloring page 7

Star fish coloring page

Starfish or sea stars are star-shaped echinoderms belonging to the class Asteroidea. Common usage frequently finds these names being also applied to ophiuroids, which are correctly referred to as brittle stars or "basket stars". About 1,500 species of starfish occur on the seabed in all the world's oceans, from the tropics to frigid polar waters. They are found from the intertidal zone down to abyssal depths, 6,000 m (20,000 ft) below the surface. (Source: wikipedia)

Sea star or starfish or Star-fish coloring page
Star fish coloring page 1
Star fish coloring page 1

Star fish coloring page 2
Star fish coloring page 2

Star fish coloring page 3
Star fish coloring page 3

Star fish coloring page 4
Star fish coloring page 4

Star fish coloring page 5
Star fish coloring page 5

Star fish coloring page 6
Star fish coloring page 6

Angel fish coloring page

Pterophyllum is a small genus of freshwater fish from the family Cichlidae known to most aquarists as "angelfish". All Pterophyllum species originate from the Amazon Basin, Orinoco Basin and various rivers in the Guiana Shield in tropical South America. The three species of Pterophyllum are unusually shaped for cichlids being greatly laterally compressed, with round bodies and elongated triangular dorsal and anal fins. This body shape allows them to hide among roots and plants, often on a vertical surface. Naturally occurring angelfish are frequently striped longitudinally, colouration which provides additional camouflage. Angelfish are ambush predators and prey on small fish and macroinvertebrates. All Pterophyllum species form monogamous pairs. Eggs are generally laid on a submerged log or a flattened leaf. As is the case for other cichlids, brood care is highly developed. (Source: wikipedia)

Here are 10 best Angel fish coloring page for kids.
Angel fish coloring page 1
Angel fish coloring page 1

Angel fish coloring page 2
Angel fish coloring page 2

Angel fish coloring page 3
Angel fish coloring page 3

Angel fish coloring page 4
Angel fish coloring page 4

Angel fish coloring page 5
Angel fish coloring page 5

Angel fish coloring page 6
Angel fish coloring page 6

Angel fish coloring page 7
Angel fish coloring page 7

Angel fish coloring page 8
Angel fish coloring page 8

Angel fish coloring page 9
Angel fish coloring page 9

Angel fish coloring page 10
Angel fish coloring page 10